Fascination with what?

Life? Nature? Mountain hiking? Poetry? Bands with catchy weird names? Yellow? Quirky movies? Memories? Gipsy music? Yoga? Oxymorons? Many of our fascinations are ephemeral, while some are ever-lasting. One thing that for sure won’t change is my fascination with words. That’s why I’m writing this blog.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Word of the Day: Vellicate

To touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.

To irritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear.

To move with spasmodic convulsions.

....But then again what's spasmodic??

Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive.

Happening intermittently; fitful: spasmodic rifle fire.

Given to sudden outbursts of energy or feeling; excitable.

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