Fascination with what?

Life? Nature? Mountain hiking? Poetry? Bands with catchy weird names? Yellow? Quirky movies? Memories? Gipsy music? Yoga? Oxymorons? Many of our fascinations are ephemeral, while some are ever-lasting. One thing that for sure won’t change is my fascination with words. That’s why I’m writing this blog.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Breakfast in Bed Day..

So they say Valentine's day is a commercial invention

"Oh, all those card companies pulling in the big bucks"

For some it's the only day they actually get some attention from their better half

(what a weird term by the way, because for some it's just not better, but worse)

"No" says Tarjei, "Don't write that! That's sad"

Well, sometimes you have to write about the sad stuff

"But Tarjei, I'm going to write about something pleasant"

"I think we should have breakfast in bed day like we have valentines day"

"Maybe there could be one for the ladies and one for the gents?"

"Like mother and father's day"

At least then we would get breakfast in bed once a year

- Not just a card

And we could all stay home from work


Dictionary from http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/my-better-half.html

My better half - My husband or my wife.

Origin: This term wasn't originally restricted to referring to one's spouse as we use it now, but to a dear friend. It was used that way by the Roman poet Horace and later by Statius. The allusion then was to a friend so dear that he/she was more than half of a person's being. That meaning persists, although these days, if the term is used seriously rather than sarcastically, it is generally considered to mean 'the superior half of a married couple'. That is, better in quality rather than in quantity.

Sir Philip Sidney was the first to put into print the use of this phrase to mean spouse, in The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, 1580:

"My deare, my better halfe (sayd hee) I find I must now leaue thee."