Fascination with what?

Life? Nature? Mountain hiking? Poetry? Bands with catchy weird names? Yellow? Quirky movies? Memories? Gipsy music? Yoga? Oxymorons? Many of our fascinations are ephemeral, while some are ever-lasting. One thing that for sure won’t change is my fascination with words. That’s why I’m writing this blog.

Monday, October 4, 2010

When we were kids we had time to look at clouds

They were looking for figurines in the sky
next to each other flat on the grass
when she asked:

"If you could have super powers

- what would you choose?"

"I would like to fly," said the boy,
gazing up at the clouds.

"And you?"

"Freeze time."

1 comment:

  1. when i was a kid i would lie under a telephone line and i was able to make the wire magically disappear as i gazed at the clouds.
